Practical Advice
These organisations may not necessarily offer bereavement or financial support but they will provide you with lots of practical information.
Age UK
Age UK are a charity organisation in England, Wales & Scotland that supports adults in later life. Age UK can offer an array of bereavement advice & services from help planning a funeral to holding a number of support groups to help you through this hard time.
Bereavement Advice Centre
The bereavement advice centre offer a range of advice on what to do when someone dies. Find out about probate, legal procedures, personal representatives, death certificates, coroners inquests, money and tax issues, death notification services and advice on how to cope with grief and bereavement.
Citizens Advice
Citizens advice offer practical advice on registering a death, wills, inheritance tax, what to do if somebody dies abroad and claiming bereavement support payments.
Death & Bereavement (
The government website has a list of support and advice services on their website. This includes business relief from inheritance tax, changing a will after death, applying to settle in the UK if your partner dies and more.
Donor Family Network
The donor family network provide advice and support to donor families and also hold a number of remembrance and thanksgiving events.
Dying Matters Leeds
Dying Matters Leeds are our local branch of Dying Matters, the national organisation helping end the stigmas surrounding death and dying.
Dying Matters
Dying Matters are a national organisation helping families speak more opening about death, dying and encouraging end of life planning.
Good Funeral Guide
The Good Funeral Guide is the UK’s only not-for-profit independent information resource for funeral advice. They are there to help you to arrange the funeral you want.
Hospital Bereavement Services (Leeds)
See how you can get help & advice from Leeds Teaching Hospitals Bereavement Services team.
Independent Age
Independent Age provides regular friendly contact and a strong campaigning voice to you and your family. It also offers clear, free and impartial advice on the issues that matter; bereavement, care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility.
Leeds Bereavement Forum
Leeds Bereavement Forum are a Leeds based charity which helps to develop and improve bereavement services in the city. LBF will signpost you to the most appropriate bereavement service.
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust offers a range of advice on health and social care. You will also find details of Leeds hospital Bereavement Services; what to do when a death is referred to the Coroner, registering a death and arranging a funeral.
National Association of Funeral Directors
The NAFD have information regarding funeral advice, pre-arrangement and funeral wishes.
National Society of Allied & Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF)
SAIF has a range of advice from planning a funeral to what to do afterwards.
Step Change - Bereavement and Debt
Step change a UK leading debt advice charity that can offer advice and support with unsecured debts after death as well as all other aspects of financial hardship.
The Money Advice Service
The money advice service, set up by the government, offer free advice on debt, managing money and any other financial questions you may have.
The Natural Death Centre
The Natural Death Centre offer advice and guidance on all aspects of planning a funeral as well as other practical support.